IPTV WEBSITE For Resellers






We are offering a pre-designed & ready website for IPTV Business that can be very easy to edit according to your content and requirements. It’s another white-lable product that you can put your logo, links and your services information.




IPTV WEBSITE For Resellers


We are offering a pre-designed & ready website for IPTV Business that can be very easy to edit according to your content and requirements. It’s another white-lable product that you can put your logo, links and your services information





We are offering a pre-designed & ready website for IPTV Business that can be very easy to edit according to your content and requirements. It’s another white-lable product that you can put your logo, links and your services information.

The Pre-designed website is the combination of WordPress + Our customised Theme.We will set it up for you within 1 to 5 days after you buy the product.

So far, we have 10 themes that you gives you the ability to choose any of theme and customise it according to your requirements. You can change the color, add new content and many more things.

Requirements : What would you need to have before buying the theme ( website ) ?

Your Logo ( Size : depends on which Theme contact us for that.. )

Your Domain Name ( any name you will choose www.blabla.com… )

     OUR THEME`s PREVIEW for your Website

Why you should need this?

  • To earn more customers’s confidence  You should have your web  presensnce.
  • To show your service packages, info , FAQ and give them ability contact you if they want to buy service
  • If you are offering service manually using social accounts so far.